Today's Labour News

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DesVanRooyenTimesLive reports that Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs Minister Des van Rooyen has ordered the 278 municipalities under his watch to stop making termination settlement agreements - better known as "golden handshakes".  

According to Van Rooyen, golden handshakes, which ran into millions, were often awarded to municipal managers and senior officials to induce them to leave their positions when they were no longer wanted by their political principals or councils.  He urged municipalities to ensure that any termination of a contract of a senior manager was based on legal grounds.  The acting director-general of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Muthotho Sigidi, insisted that municipalities must allow applicable disciplinary proceedings to conclude before awarding a golden handshake.  He said the department favoured settlement agreements reached on the basis of recommendations made at the conclusion of a disciplinary hearing.

  • Read this report by Olebogeng Molatlhwa in full at TimesLive

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