IOL News reports that Mpumalanga police are investigating the murder of former police union executive member, Nkosinathi Theledi.
His bruised body was found in his car, in the Mbombela area over five days ago. Theledi was a former executive member of the Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union (Popcru) and also a former chairperson of the board of the Government Employees Medical Scheme (GEMS). Provincial police spokesperson, Colonel Donald Mdhluli, said Theledi left his house in Gauteng on 31 July on his way to Standerton. Concerned family members attempted to contact him but were unsuccessful. Subsequently, he was reported missing at Norkem Park in Gauteng. The family sought assistance from a car tracker service provider, which led to the location of the victim's vehicle in Sundra. Theledi's two cellphones, watch and shoes were found to have been stolen. Mdhluli said of particular interest to investigators was the apparent cleaning of the vehicle, the motive for which remained unknown. No suspects have been apprehended yet.
- Read the full original of the report in the above regard by Se-Anne Rall at IOL News
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