Today's Labour News

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nxesiTimesLIVE reports that Department of Employment and Labour (DET) Minister Thulas Nxesi says the collapse of a multistorey building under construction in George, with 75 workers on site, serves as a reminder of the critical importance of prioritising safety in the workplace.

Since the Monday afternoon tragedy, 36 workers have been retrieved from the rubble, of whom eight were dead, 16 in a critical condition, six categorised with life-threatening injuries and seven with minor injuries. Rescue operations are continuing with a multidisciplinary rescue team of more than 200 people. With DET occupational health and safety inspectors on site, Nxesi explained: “We will await the official handing over of the site to the department to enable us to proceed with investigations” on finalisation of rescue and recovery interventions. He went on to say: “It is imperative to recommit ourselves to the principle that no job is worth risking the safety or lives of employees. Every effort must be made to prevent similar incidents in future. Redoubling efforts to promote a culture of safety, vigilance and accountability in organisations is paramount.” Western Cape premier Alan Winde said he was humbled by the help given to the rescue and emergency response effort. “Without us all pulling together, we would not have been able to respond to this incident in the way we have. We must not give up hope. To all the emergency personnel assisting: you are true heroes. My heart goes out to the families of the deceased. I share your pain. We will do everything we can to ensure we determine the cause of this incident,” he said.

  • Read the full original of the report in the above regard at TimesLIVE

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