Today's Labour News

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GoldOneBL Premium reports that Gold One is set to resume production on Wednesday after a labour turf battle hampered operations for nearly a month at its East Rand mine.

The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) has agreed to terminate its closed-shop agreement at the Gold One mine. It confirmed late on Tuesday that it took the decision to “safeguard jobs” and “save the lives of innocent workers”. The stalemate over union members between NUM and the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu) resulted in a hostage situation/sit-in last month and a large protest on Monday, during which 11 of the workers were arrested. Amcu had argued that NUM was no longer the majority union at the mine and it demanded a ballot of members there, which NUM had resisted. Gold One’s Ziyaad Hassam advised that the NUM’s closed-shop agreement dated back to 2012 and the labour environment had been fairly stable since then, until the sit-in/hostage situation last month. Amcu then approached the Labour Court to force the company to hold a ballot of 1,800 category A and B workers at the mine. The case was expected to be heard on Thursday. Amcu is likely to call for a ballot of all workers at the mine in coming days to determine which union is entitled to recognition at the mine.

  • Read the full original of the report in the above regard by Natasha Marrian at BusinessLive (subscriber access only)
  • Read too, NUM terminates closed-shop agreement at Gold One's Modder East, at TimesLIVE

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