Today's Labour News

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Golden ArrowNews24 reports that over last weekend, at least seven men robbed passengers on a Golden Arrow bus in Gugulethu and fled the scene with phones and an undisclosed amount of money.

A case was opened at Nyanga police station, and investigations are under way. The bus was travelling from Cape Town and heading to Khayelitsha. Video footage of the incident shows a man with a backpack, which contained the rifle, entering a Golden Arrow bus. Another man removed the rifle from the rucksack and pointed it at the bus driver. At least three more robbers entered the bus and relieved people of their belongings, while two others guarded the door. They then walked back down the aisle toward the door and placed the rifle back in the backpack before making off with the passengers' belongings. Police confirmed the robbery and said the driver was forced to stop the bus before the incident happened. Golden Arrow Bus Services spokesperson Bronwen Dyke-Beyer said they would “do everything possible to ensure that criminals who target our employees and passengers face the full might of the law."

  • Read the full original of the report in the above regard by Alfonso Nqunjana and Lisalee Solomons at News24

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