Today's Labour News

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gunSaturday Citizen reports that fear has once again gripped the platinum belt in Marikana, North West, following the murder on Thursday of a volunteer recruiter for the National Union of Metalworkers of SA (Numsa).

The union believes that Malibongwe Mdazo’s death may be directly linked to his attempts to recruit workers for the union at Implats mine. It has warned police that failure to arrest his killers could lead to further violence, should unionists start defending themselves. Marikana hasn’t known much peace since police gunned down 34 miners and wounded 78 near Lonmin’s platinum mine in August 2012. In the latest incident, Mdazo was shot multiple times, in broad daylight and in full view of other delegates, during a break in a meeting to verify Numsa’s membership numbers at the CCMA offices in Rustenburg. Provincial police commissioner Lieutenant-General Sello Kwena has ordered a full investigation into the attack that left three others seriously wounded. At the time of his murder, Mdazo was recruiting workers employed by contractors at Implats mine. The meeting he was attending was for the verification of Numsa membership numbers for recognition at Newrack, one of the contract companies at Implats. Mdazo, who in 2012 had been a branch chairperson of the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu), was shot five times as he left Wonderkop stadium in Marikana in July 2017, at height of violent union rivalry.

  • Read the full original of the report in the above regard by Sipho Mabena on page 6 of Saturday Citizen of 21 August 2021

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